Afternoon Tea at the Mandarin Oriental Ritz in Madrid

Exquisite combinations of flavors and textures in both chocolates and pastries, designed to be enjoyed at the Afternoon Tea at the Mandarin Oriental Ritz in Madrid. Four mini desserts and two limited editions of chocolates. A very sweet collaboration created together with Irene Amat, the hotel’s head pastry chef.

  • Postres elaborats per Lluc Crusellas a la Fine Pastry de Sèrbia, tres dies de masterclass de rebosteria de moda, elegant i fina.
  • Postres elaborats per Lluc Crusellas a la Fine Pastry de Sèrbia, tres dies de masterclass de rebosteria de moda, elegant i fina.
  • Postres elaborats Fine Pastry
  • Postre elaborat per Lluc Crusellas a la Fine Pastry de Sèrbia, tres dies de masterclass de rebosteria de moda, elegant i fina.

Fine Pastry with Lluc Crusellas in Serbia

Three days of masterclass on modern, elegant, and fine pastry, working with different techniques, preparations, and chocolate decorations to create a truly attractive display. Endless thanks to the entire team at Chocolate Academy Belgrade, and especially to Remy Delette.

Three-day masterclass
in Guangzhou

Masterclass at Hotliday International Baking Lab, taking El Carme Pastisseria’s patisserie to China. Three intense days teaching chocolate techniques, elaborations and decorations, sharing knowledge with the team and students of the school in an environment full of creativity and learning.

  • L’art de la pastisseria viatja fins a la Xina amb El Carme Pastisseria
  • Tres dies d’art dolç a Guangzhou amb la pastisseria d’El Carme Pastisseria
  • El Carme Pastisseria viatja a Guangzhou per una exclusiva masterclass de tres dies
  • Tres dies de masterclass a Guangzhou, portant la pastisseria d’El Carme Pastisseria a l’altra punta del món.
  • Imatge central de l'elefant de xocolata coronat a París
  • Imatge de detalls dels bombons de xocolata amb la imatge de l'elefant
  • Lluc Crusellas acabant una peça de xocolata
  • Imatge de detall de individuals de xocolata elaborats per Lluc Crusellas a Harrods
  • Imatge del logo de Harrods, Londres
  • Imatge de detall de l'elefant de xocolata

Pop Up
at Harrods

The Chocolate Elephant in Harrods department store in London. The exhibition was accompanied by a Pop Up with chocolates, individual cakes and chocolate figures, together with Elias Läderach, WCM 18, and Alistair Birt, head pastry chef at Harrods.

Patisserie at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Barcelona

Pop Up with exclusive and sophisticated desserts at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Barcelona. Available the 5 individual desserts of El Carme Pastisseria: Ferrero Bombón, Xocosú, Tatin, Sacher and the Mandarin, of exclusive elaboration and the most special, which represents the image and the 11 pillars of the Mandarin. From March 4 to April 26 in Barcelona.

  • Lluc Crusellas_Mandarin Hotel Barcelona
Bombons de xocolata blanca elaborats exclusivament pel Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell

Trofeu Conde de Godó 2023

A special edition with white chocolate, lime and vanilla bonbons for the 70th Trofeu Conde de Godó 2023 in Barcelona.

Masterclass in Shanghai: exploring patisserie ‘a la minute’

Masterclass at the Chocolate Academy Shanghai, sharing the pastry ‘a la minute’, a philosophy that is part of the DNA of El Carme Pastisseria. 210 minutes sharing knowledge with 55 pastry chefs from all over the country in a unique learning and exchange environment.

Lluc Crusellas a la Chocolate Academy Shanghai
  • Nova participació de Lluc Crusellas al Festival Internacional de Xocolata d’Óbidos
  • Obra de xocolata de Lluc Crusellas al Festival Internacional Chocolate Obidos

Óbidos International Chocolate Festival

New participation in the Óbidos International Chocolate Festival with a piece in honour of Galileo Galilei, following the theme of the festival dedicated to the great scientific inventions. In addition, special showcooking of Easter cakes.

In 2024, first presence at the festival with a chocolate sculpture dedicated to Rui Nabeiro, a leading coffee entrepreneur, and a demonstration of advanced chocolate techniques.

Pastry Revolution

60 unreleased creations by Lluc Crusellas. Restaurant desserts. Pastries Individual pastries. Tartlets. Traditional pastries. Seasonal pastries. Showcase pastries. Chocolate Christmas pastries. Home-made chocolate. Bakery. With the participation of Ricard Martínez, Eric Ortuño, Josep Maria Rodríguez, Ruth Gou, Ramon Riera, Arnau Arboix, Sènia Villalustre, Enric Monzonis, Saray Ruiz and Miquel Serrano.

  • Foto de família de la presentació de la revista Pastry Revolution de Lluc Crusellas
  • Lluc Crusellas mostrant una de les seves creacions de xocolata
  • Xocosú, el pastís de xocolata de Lluc Crusellas
Lluc Crusellas com a ponent a la desena edició de TEDxManresa


Speaker at the tenth edition of TEDxManresa, a program of local conferences through which ideas are presented to rethink, inspire, improve and change the world. My message: from Vic to BIG!

Chocolate Master
in Venezuela

Two days teaching classes in the Master’s Degree in Chocolate at Azú Pastelería School with the team of the pastry chef María F. Evans. A very nice experience sharing the passion of chocolate on the other side of the world.

  • Lluc Crusellas acabant d'elaborar una peça de xocolata
  • Lluc Crusellas fent un màster de xocolata a Azú Pastelería
  • Lluc Crusellas acabant d'elaborar una peça de xocolata a Azú Pastelería
  • Lluc Crusellas acabant d'elaborar una peça de xocolata
  • Lluc Crusellas acabant d'elaborar una peça de xocolata a Azú Pastelería
  • Lluc Crusellas, a la fira Intersicop 2024

Giraffe Bombon at Intersicop 2024

Technical seminar “Chocolate creations of a world champion” with the aim of sharing chocolate techniques and formats thinking about the production needs of an establishment or restaurant. Also live elaboration of some of the pieces presented at the World Chocolate Masters.

The Elephant at the Museu de la Xocolata

Paris, Vic, London and now, Barcelona. The elephant continues its journey and stops at the Museu de la Xocolata in Barcelona. It is a replica weighing more than 100 kilos that has been added to the museum’s permanent collection.

Lluc Crusellas acabant la peça de xocolata al Museu de Xocolata de Barcelona
  • Lluc Crusellas i Silikomart_Sigep

Silikomart & Lluc Crusellas

RIFLESSO is the new mold designed and developed together with Silikomart. It is a mold made with the innovative and excellent drop-shaped Tritan material designed for chocolates, available all over the world!

Eukarya at Futbol Club Barcelona

Incredible experience serving the sweet part of the catering in the box of the Barcelona Football Club, together with Xerta Catering. Chocolates, spheres and chocolate tiles to accompany a magical night of soccer.

Lluc Crusellas servint la part dolça del càtering a la llotja del Futbol Club Barcelona, juntament amb Xerta Càtering.
  • Lluc Crusellas_Trufforum_Vic_1
  • Lluc Crusellas_Trufforum_Vic_2
  • Lluc Crusellas con el premio de Talento Creativo y la apuesta de la trufa en la pastelería.

The truffle and the sweet world

Participation in the Trufforum, the black truffle festival in Catalunya, with the preparation of desserts: dark chocolate foam, truffle and cocoa nibs crunchy, in the tasting space of “La Tòfona al Plat”. A rounded weekend that ended with the recognition of the creative talent and the commitment to the truffle in the sweet world. Thank you!

Patisserie section on TV3 

Patisserie section on the program ‘Tot es Mou’ on TV3, the public television channel of Catalunya. Every fifteen days, recipes of delicious proposals to make, enjoy, and share at home.

Lluc Crusellas ensenya a fer panellets de xocolata a la secció de pastisseria del Tot Es Mou a TV3
  • Participació al Fòrum Gastronòmic Galícia 2024 impartint el taller "La excelencia del chocolate". Un taller molt especial dedicat a la tècnica i al sabor de la xocolata i que s'emmarca dins d'una de les fires referents en l'àmbit de la gastronomia a nivell nacional.
  • Participació al Fòrum Gastronòmic Galícia 2024 impartint el taller "La excelencia del chocolate". Un taller molt especial dedicat a la tècnica i al sabor de la xocolata i que s'emmarca dins d'una de les fires referents en l'àmbit de la gastronomia a nivell nacional.
  • Participació al Fòrum Gastronòmic Galícia 2024 impartint el taller "La excelencia del chocolate". Un taller molt especial dedicat a la tècnica i al sabor de la xocolata i que s'emmarca dins d'una de les fires referents en l'àmbit de la gastronomia a nivell nacional.

Gastronomic Forum of Galicia 2024

“The Excellence of Chocolate” at the Gastronomic Forum of Galicia 2024, a workshop dedicated to the technique and flavor of chocolate, presented within the framework of the Sweet Forum.

Lluc Crusellas x La Santa Market

Chocolate and patisserie at La Santa Market (Costa Brava, Barcelona), in the form of 7 sweet creations made with character and with chocolate as the main ingredient. 52 incredible days taking patisserie to another level and bringing it to the public on the Costa Brava. 52 incredible days taking patisserie to another level and bringing it closer to the Costa Brava public. It was brutal!

Lluc Crusellas a la La Santa Market, el mercat de tendència de la Costa Brava
Lluc Crusellas obre nou espai de pastisseria i xocolateria a Andorra Pyrénées

Lluc Crusellas x Pyrénées Andorra

New space dedicated to patisserie and chocolate in the Pyrénées Andorra shopping centre, taking the essence of Eukarya Xocolata and El Carme Pastisseria to new territory. A place where creativity, technique and flavour meet to offer a unique experience.

Afternoon Tea at the Mandarin Oriental Ritz in Madrid

Exquisite combinations of flavors and textures in both chocolates and pastries, designed to be enjoyed at the Afternoon Tea at the Mandarin Oriental Ritz in Madrid. Four mini desserts and two limited editions of chocolates. A very sweet collaboration created together with Irene Amat, the hotel’s head pastry chef. Available until June 30.

Fine Pastry with Lluc Crusellas in Serbia

Three days of masterclass on modern, elegant, and fine pastry, working with different techniques, preparations, and chocolate decorations to create a truly attractive display. Endless thanks to the entire team at Chocolate Academy Belgrade, and especially to Remy Delette.

  • Postres elaborats per Lluc Crusellas a la Fine Pastry de Sèrbia, tres dies de masterclass de rebosteria de moda, elegant i fina.
  • Postres elaborats per Lluc Crusellas a la Fine Pastry de Sèrbia, tres dies de masterclass de rebosteria de moda, elegant i fina.
  • Postres elaborats Fine Pastry
  • Postre elaborat per Lluc Crusellas a la Fine Pastry de Sèrbia, tres dies de masterclass de rebosteria de moda, elegant i fina.

Three-day masterclass
in Guangzhou

Masterclass at Hotliday International Baking Lab, taking El Carme Pastisseria’s patisserie to China. Three intense days teaching chocolate techniques, elaborations and decorations, sharing knowledge with the team and students of the school in an environment full of creativity and learning.

Tres dies de masterclass a Guangzhou, portant la pastisseria d’El Carme Pastisseria a l’altra punta del món.

Pop Up
at Harrods

The Chocolate Elephant in Harrods department store in London. The exhibition was accompanied by a Pop Up with chocolates, individual cakes and chocolate figures, together with Elias Läderach, WCM 18, and Alistair Birt, head pastry chef at Harrods.

  • Imatge central de l'elefant de xocolata coronat a París
  • Imatge de detalls dels bombons de xocolata amb la imatge de l'elefant
  • Lluc Crusellas acabant una peça de xocolata
  • Imatge de detall de individuals de xocolata elaborats per Lluc Crusellas a Harrods
  • Imatge del logo de Harrods, Londres
  • Imatge de detall de l'elefant de xocolata

FERO Foundation

Chocolate making for the charity gala of the FERO Foundation, pioneers in oncology research, held in Barcelona.

Lluc Crusellas_FERO

Trofeu Conde de
Godó 2023

A special edition with white chocolate, lime and vanilla bonbons for the 70th Trofeu Conde de Godó 2023 in Barcelona.

Bombons de xocolata blanca elaborats exclusivament pel Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell

Masterclass in Shanghai: exploring patisseria ‘a la minute’

Masterclass at the Chocolate Academy Shanghai, sharing the pastry ‘a la minute’, a philosophy that is part of the DNA of El Carme Pastisseria. 210 minutes sharing knowledge with 55 pastry chefs from all over the country in a unique learning and exchange environment

Lluc Crusellas a la Chocolate Academy Shanghai

Óbidos International Chocolate Festival

New participation in the Óbidos International Chocolate Festival with a piece in honour of Galileo Galilei, following the theme of the festival dedicated to the great scientific inventions. In addition, special showcooking of Easter cakes.

In 2024, first presence at the festival with a chocolate sculpture dedicated to Rui Nabeiro, a leading coffee entrepreneur, and a demonstration of advanced chocolate techniques.

Nova participació de Lluc Crusellas al Festival Internacional de Xocolata d’Óbidos

Pastry Revolution

60 unreleased creations by Lluc Crusellas. Restaurant desserts. Pastries Individual pastries. Tartlets. Traditional pastries. Seasonal pastries. Showcase pastries. Chocolate Christmas pastries. Home-made chocolate. Bakery. With the participation of Ricard Martínez, Eric Ortuño, Josep Maria Rodríguez, Ruth Gou, Ramon Riera, Arnau Arboix, Sènia Villalustre, Enric Monzonis, Saray Ruiz and Miquel Serrano.

  • Foto de família de la presentació de la revista Pastry Revolution de Lluc Crusellas
  • Lluc Crusellas mostrant una de les seves creacions de xocolata
  • Xocosú, el pastís de xocolata de Lluc Crusellas


Speaker at the tenth edition of TEDxManresa, a program of local conferences through which ideas are presented to rethink, inspire, improve and change the world. My message: from Vic to BIG!

Lluc Crusellas com a ponent a la desena edició de TEDxManresa

Chocolate Master
in Venezuela

Two days teaching classes in the Master’s Degree in Chocolate at Azú Pastelería School with the team of the pastry chef María F. Evans. A very nice experience sharing the passion of chocolate on the other side of the world.

  • Lluc Crusellas acabant d'elaborar una peça de xocolata
  • Lluc Crusellas fent un màster de xocolata a Azú Pastelería
  • Lluc Crusellas acabant d'elaborar una peça de xocolata a Azú Pastelería
  • Lluc Crusellas acabant d'elaborar una peça de xocolata
  • Lluc Crusellas acabant d'elaborar una peça de xocolata a Azú Pastelería

Eukarya at Futbol Club Barcelona

Incredible experience serving the sweet part of the catering in the box of the Barcelona Football Club, together with Xerta Catering. Chocolates, spheres and chocolate tiles to accompany a magical night of soccer.

Lluc Crusellas servint la part dolça del càtering a la llotja del Futbol Club Barcelona, juntament amb Xerta Càtering.

Giraffe Bombon at Intersicop 2024


Technical seminar “Chocolate creations of a world champion” with the aim of sharing chocolate techniques and formats thinking about the production needs of an establishment or restaurant. Also live elaboration of some of the pieces presented at the World Chocolate Masters.

Lluc Crusellas, a la fira Intersicop 2024

The Elephant at the Museu de la Xocolata


Paris, Vic, London and now, Barcelona. The elephant continues its journey and stops at the Museu de la Xocolata in Barcelona. It is a replica weighing more than 100 kilos that has been added to the museum’s permanent collection.

Lluc Crusellas acabant la peça de xocolata al Museu de Xocolata de Barcelona

Silikomart & Lluc Crusellas


RIFLESSO is the new mold designed and developed together with Silikomart. It is a mold made with the innovative and excellent drop-shaped Tritan material designed for chocolates, available all over the world!

Lluc Crusellas i Silikomart_Sigep

Eukarya at Futbol Club Barcelona


Incredible experience serving the sweet part of the catering in the box of the Barcelona Football Club, together with Xerta Catering. Chocolates, spheres and chocolate tiles to accompany a magical night of soccer.

Lluc Crusellas servint la part dolça del càtering a la llotja del Futbol Club Barcelona, juntament amb Xerta Càtering.

The truffle and the sweet world

Participation in the Trufforum, the black truffle festival in Catalunya, with the preparation of desserts: dark chocolate foam, truffle and cocoa nibs crunchy, in the tasting space of “La Tòfona al Plat”. A rounded weekend that ended with the recognition of the creative talent and the commitment to the truffle in the sweet world. Thank you!

  • Lluc Crusellas_Trufforum_Vic_1
  • Lluc Crusellas_Trufforum_Vic_2
  • Lluc Crusellas_Trufforum_Vic_3

Patisserie section on TV3

Patisserie section on the program ‘Tot es Mou’ on TV3, the public television channel of Catalunya. Every fifteen days, recipes of delicious proposals to make, enjoy, and share at home.

Lluc Crusellas ensenya a fer panellets de xocolata a la secció de pastisseria del Tot Es Mou a TV3

Gastronomic Forum of Galicia 2024

“The Excellence of Chocolate” at the Gastronomic Forum of Galicia 2024, a workshop dedicated to the technique and flavor of chocolate, presented within the framework of the Sweet Forum.

  • Participació al Fòrum Gastronòmic Galícia 2024 impartint el taller "La excelencia del chocolate". Un taller molt especial dedicat a la tècnica i al sabor de la xocolata i que s'emmarca dins d'una de les fires referents en l'àmbit de la gastronomia a nivell nacional.
  • Participació al Fòrum Gastronòmic Galícia 2024 impartint el taller "La excelencia del chocolate". Un taller molt especial dedicat a la tècnica i al sabor de la xocolata i que s'emmarca dins d'una de les fires referents en l'àmbit de la gastronomia a nivell nacional.
  • Participació al Fòrum Gastronòmic Galícia 2024 impartint el taller "La excelencia del chocolate". Un taller molt especial dedicat a la tècnica i al sabor de la xocolata i que s'emmarca dins d'una de les fires referents en l'àmbit de la gastronomia a nivell nacional.

Lluc Crusellas x La Santa Market

Chocolate and patisserie at La Santa Market (Costa Brava, Barcelona), in the form of 7 sweet creations made with character and with chocolate as the main ingredient. 52 incredible days taking patisserie to another level and bringing it to the public on the Costa Brava. 52 incredible days taking patisserie to another level and bringing it closer to the Costa Brava public. It was brutal!

Lluc Crusellas a la La Santa Market, el mercat de tendència de la Costa Brava

Lluc Crusellas x Pyrénées Andorra

New space dedicated to patisserie and chocolate in the Pyrénées Andorra shopping centre, taking the essence of Eukarya Xocolata and El Carme Pastisseria to new territory. A place where creativity, technique and flavour meet to offer a unique experience.

Lluc Crusellas obre nou espai de pastisseria i xocolateria a Andorra Pyrénées